Wednesday, November 10, 2010

not just a one hit wonder

so according to the current data i'm a once a week blogger...any significance there? to be honest i typed out a longish rambling post last week after my debut post but things being what they are i had to learn the lesson - only attempt to blog from firefox, never internet explorer. my computer is allergic to internet explorer for some reason...

my hubby found this really cool picture of me from our July holiday in the free state.

lazy afternoon

i have to admit that the serenity depicted here calls me right now. life has been so potentially busy the last while and yet not at the same time - since i haven't actually been doing any of the things i have been meant to be doing. the age old problem of procrastination strikes again, though i have to admit there has been more than a dash of complete apathy this time around. i find myself in a kind of doldrums, sun beating down, totally lethargic, not a breath of air, not a sign of life, no land on the horison, just me and my boat and the water lapping listlessly at the bow...even though this might sound peaceful i assure you it is not. somehow i think peace requires a measure of joy and hope. hope i am able to recognise with my mind - Jesus is alive and He does love me and He does want to heal me and make me all He intended for me to be - this i know the same way i know the earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. the joy that should bubble up from inside me because of this knowledge is somehow lacking though.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The beginning

so this is it! my very first post on my very first blog. why dancing in the rain you ask?  it struck me last week that i long to live my life more consistently in the headspace i'm in when dancing in the rain - free, full of joy, living with wild abandon, thrilling at the deliciousness and beauty of being alive, full of hope - you get the's a good one isn't it? one that leaves you with a giant grin and sparkly eyes.

this first one is a short one since it's a wednesday morning and just yesterday i was repenting of neglecting my duties at work. nose to the grindstone - here we go!