Dagnabbit - what a mission to remember my log in details (unsuccessful - had to reset password) after a whole year.....
so now i'm here - wondering what to write. i can hear crickets cricketing outside and my bedroom curtains are softly sighing, in and out as the night breeze brushes past them...
i was reading something today about talents and losing them if you don't use them and how we all have to take accountability for our lives etc. etc. and i thought about how i've become so silent this year (my husband might disagree!) but i know that somewhere inside of me is a well of words and it's all but dried up.
while pondering this lifeless ex-spring in my heart a still small voice reminded me that the words i have always treasured so much have a source. if connection with the source is interrupted then naturally the outflowing tangible evidence of that connection would also cease.
Who is my source? Where does my life come from? What makes me feel alive? What is the key to move through the tiny door in my heart like Alice finally does - from dreary mundane everyday chores and weariness and lethargy to all the same circumstances with a golden glow and rainbow hues of hope encapsulating the scene? Joy, peace, overflowing love, hope that I am loved, my life does matter, i don't have to be anyone other than me, i can relax into meeting each days challenge and that is enough.
God. My precious life giving Creator God. God Who is able to do super-abundantly exceedingly more than i can hope or dream or ask. God Who promises to never give up on me, to never leave me nor forsake me. God Who rejoices over me with singing, watches over me as a mother bird watches over her nest. God Who embraces me...God Whose banner over me is love. God Who knows how many hairs are on my head. God Who breathed the stars into being and named each and every one - He has my name tattoed on the palm of His hand.
When I start to see Who He is I realise who I am. I am beautiful because He made me so. I am enough because in my weakness He is strong. I am loved, wanted, cherished. I am precious. I am eternal as His blood washes over and through me and He dwells in my innermost being.
I am exactly who He dreamed me to be. He's loved me since before i existed and He loves me for all eternity. forever and ever, what every little girl dreams of.
Lover of my soul, don't ever stop dancing with me. I love you.