Saturday, December 3, 2011


What is it that people call things when they're just not sure - in the art world I've found the common denominator is untitled...

A whole year has gone by you say, why blog now you say. I'll tell you why. A week ago I found out that an old friend of mine who I had lost touch with passed away just short of a year ago. Finding this out has affected me in ways I would never have imagined... He was a truly unique individual who lived life completely according to his own rules. I can't say whether he found answers but I can say that from everything I know and everything I see he LIVED. He did the things he loved as often as he could, regardless of the possible consequences, no matter what other people expected...He died at 35 having led a full and exuberant life. He was also an amazing writer and had started a really inspiring blog a few months before he died so unexpectedly.

I am still processing his death, still assessing all the shifts inside my mind and heart. what I did learn from Hendri's story is that you never know how long you have and you can't imagine how just being yourself and being fully alive can touch the lives of those around you, even after you're gone. You never know how the music of your heart sounds to others and where it might resonate, who will choose to pick up the notes when you stop singing.

So I'm going to sing my song, loud and clear for any who would listen. And I'll keep up the search for the best day ever, safely in the hands of my Father, remembering to kick off my shoes and dance in the rain with face upturned to the heavens and eyes shut, full of the joy of just being alive.

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